Pages showed since 25/08/2019 : 2 413 208
The new store offers you a small ventilated box containing a RaspBerry Pi4B 4GB and also a Pi400 allowing to emulate an Amiga with a 68040 with 1GB of Fast memory. No need to connect a graphics card to have a resolution up to 1920*1080 in 16bit, no need for a network card to have internet with trasfert rate up to 1000Mbits/s. Compatible wireless keyboard, mouse and controller are also available in the store. If you buy AmigaOS 3.2 with the full package, you have a turnkey system that starts directly in the Workbench. You just have to press Power button. Is it possible to have a configuration without AmigaOS 3.2 and dedicated exclusively for Amiga 500, 1200, CD32 and CDTV games (contact me for more informations).
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