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ACA1221lc soon available 1462

This accelerator comes with a 68ec020 processor (guaranteed to run at 26.67MHz) and 16MBytes physical memory. 11.2MBytes of this physical memory can be used as fastmem, and 1 MByte is reserved for a fast copy of the Kickstart ROM. The CPU speed can be switched in four steps between 14MHz and 40MHz. Overclocking the card beyond 26.67MHz will require active cooling and a very good power supply; operation at this high speed is not guaranteed.

The ACA1221lc features our IDE speeder technology that accelerates reading from the internal IDE port. Other than competing products, this IDE speeder does not require opening the computer or even removing chips from their socket. The IDE speedup to PIO mode 3 is activated with a software setting and reaches a raw data transfer rate of 10.2 MBytes per second, which results in every-day performance of 3.6MBytes/s with fast CF cards. Fast harddrives with cache may exceed 7MBytes/s performance. The IDE speeder feature is not available if connected to an ACA500 or ACA500plus.

The ACA1221lc is prepared for use with our forthcoming ACA2000, where it will provide up to 11.9MBytes of fastmem. More memory configurations allow for using Zorro cards without conflicts.

Please choose your preferred colour: Blue or Red circuit board.

source : Individual Computers

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Dimanche, décembre 29 @ 12:08:15