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RNOTunes 1.1 by jPV^RNO

jPV^RNO has just released a new version of RNOTunes, an audio player supporting many formats : MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, AIFF, WAV, Protracker, DigiBooster, SID, AHX, FastTracker II, ScreamTracker, OctaMED, The Player, NoisePacker, ProRunner, Oktalyzer, Impulse Tracker, Ultra Tracker, Ice Tracker, Liquid Tracker, Quadra Composer, etc.

Visit the dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

Visit the jPV^RNO website.

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Pci.library updated by Elbox

Elbox has just updated the pci.library for Mediator extension PCI cards for Amiga 1200, 3000 and 4000.

Visit Elbox website.


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AmiTube 1.4 by Markus Sackrow

Markus 'ALB42' Sackrow has released AmiTube 1.4, a YouTube video player. The original idea for this program is by Michal Bergseth (he proposes an article about AmiTube on his website AmiTopia).

Visit the official webpage.

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AmIRC 3.9 by Henes and Piru

Henes and Piru have just updated the famous AmIRC chat software to version 3.9.

Visit the dedicated website.

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QDock 1.63 by Sami Vehmaa

Sami Vehmaa has just released a new version of his launch bar QDock (YouTube video).

Visit the dedicated webpage.

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Exutil 1.1.3 by Ulrich Beckers

Ulrich Beckers has released a new version of Exutil. This is a tool compiled with last version of programming language Hollywood and allows you to rename images by date based on Exif information or by file date. You can rename images with a common part (by default, Pic_), followed by the date. In addition, the Exif date and time can be written to the comment of each file in case an Exif data structure is found.

Because Exutil retains the file name extension for renaming, you can also use it to rename a batch of files other than images. If the files are images, the program will display the thumbnails of these images.

Visit dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

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AmiBerry 5.5 by Dimitris Panokostas

Dimitris Panokostas has just released a new version of AmiBerry, the Amiga classic emulator for RaspBerry Pi.

Visit the dedicated webpage.

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AmigaAMP 3.33 by Thomas Wenzel

Thomas Wenzel has just released a new version of the famous audio player AmigaAMP.

See the snapshot realized by AMIGASYSTEM.

Visit the dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

Se rendre sur le site officiel.

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RNOEffect 1.4 by jPV^RNO

jPV^RNO has just released a new version of RNOEffect. It's a easy-to-use image processing with a focus on numerous conversion options and alpha channel-based effects.

Visit the dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

Visit the jPV^RNO website.

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jPV^RNO has just released a viewer of PDF files for MorphOS realised with Hollywood.

Visit dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

Visit author webpage.

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