Oliver Roberts and the IBrowse Team are pleased to announce the immediate release of IBrowse 2.5 for AmigaOS 3.x and 4.x. After many years in the making, development has been on a roller coaster since IBrowse 2.4, with challenging personal, technical and commercial issues complicating the release schedule. However, we are extremely happy to finally make this new version available to all the valued users who have been waiting so patiently.
IBrowse 2.5 fixes many bugs, making it the most stable and fastest version yet, but more importantly brings modern SSL/TLS support and a fully native AmigaOS 4.x build. Below is a very brief summary of the key changes since version 2.4.
Download Demo version on Amiga-Storage.
To purchase the full version, please visit https://www.ibrowse-dev.net/store/ (special discounted upgrades available to registered users of IBrowse 2.x and 1.x).

- Support for AmiSSLv4 has been added to IBrowse 2.5, allowing the use of the most up to date SSL implementation available for AmigaOS, including TLSv1.3, based on the most recent versions of OpenSSL.
- Integrated with new MUI 4.0 and 5.0 features, including new context sensitive mouse pointers, support for various built-in MUI menus and other new GUI additions. MUI 3.8 is still supported (although we recommend 3.9 as a minimum).
- Browser spoofing strings can now be customised in a variety of different ways with up to 128 user defined strings available in the preferences.
- All the internal image decoders have been improved, with various fixes, alpha channel handling, and speed optimisations. The JPEG and PNG decoders now fully utilise the decoding improvements and optimisations from the current Warp Datatypes, which also includes AltiVec acceleration in the JPEG decoder.
- The OpenSearch standard is now supported for allowing search engines to automatically be added to the search bar, in addition to the existing older Sherlock/Mycroft support from IBrowse 2.4.
- TextEditField object has had an overhaul, fixing various issues and adding new features. Rendering is done in a more MUI4/5 compatible manner allowing these objects to inherit your MUI settings. Your mousewheel can now be used for scrolling and various MUI defined keyboard shortcuts are now honoured.
- Improved general stability and memory leaks plugged.
- Hundreds of other minor and major bug fixes + improvements, and increased tolerance of broken sites for better compatibility.