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NetFS-revised 3.0 par OffseT 897

OffseT has just released a new version of NetFS, an AREXX network file and port sharing system for MorphOS or for Amiga.

It handles all the specifics of MorphOS & Amiga filesystems such as comments and protection bits.

It enables security management with password protection, encryption of data exchanged, and benefits from an asynchronous mechanism for managing the connection in order to avoid freezes and annoying waiting times. It also supports IECLASS events and DOS notifications. Sharing AREXX ports is also possible.

This new version integrates MUI graphical interfaces for preferences, network exploration and pop-up management. All the tools supplied with NetFS are translated into French, English, German and Spanish.

Visit dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.



papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Dimanche, août 23 @ 07:14:29