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Tiny Bobble 1086

pink^abyss offers a new port of the famous Bubble Bobble game for Amiga called Tiny Bobble.

This new version greatly improves the game:

  • 50 fps (instead of 25fps)
  • 32 colors (instead of 16)
  • 150 items (instead of 40?)
  • Original screen height of 224 pixel (was only 200 pixel)
  • Almost all sprite animations (had only ~20% of animations)
  • Progress Screen (was not available)
  • Big Enemies every 16th level (was not available)
  • Player Two Join animation (was not available)
  • Animated Extend screen (was not animated)
  • Big Score images (was not available)
  • Single file (needed a disk)
  • Animated intro (no bubbles were available)
  • Animated Boss fight (was a still image)
  • Multiple endings (had only one ending)


Visit the dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Lundi, août 31 @ 20:52:51