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ApolloOS Release 6 published 2090

We are proud to bring you Apollo Vampire Release 6, thank you all for your patience.

Our new “R6” release contains improvements on Vampire V4 Core, ApolloOS, Software and User level. With our new structured Quarterly Release schedule we aim to provide all our Vampire users a clear and steady Roadmap towards more quality, speed, compatibility and most important of all……Amiga Funtime!

Everybody in the Apollo Team would like to thank all our loyal, enthusiatic and (positive) critical Vampires for helping us by sharing your feedback, ideas and experiences. Together we will revive Amiga….   


Upgrading your Apollo Vampire V4 has been made very easy by providing a single downloadable “Release6.exe” file to be executed on your V4. It takes less than a minute. 
Core R6 has improved digital video output compatibility, especially for our beloved USA based Vampires. 
The Vampire V4 Core R6 has been given an “engine overhaul” with a new Divider Unit and several other AMMX optimizations, resulting in an impressive performance boost.
R6 provides a completely rewritten IDE driver, giving you more reliability and a significant performance, which is boosted even further with the new implemented IDE cache.


ApolloOS is leaving childhood behind and gradually becomes a mature OS for your Apollo Vampire V4. First the overall stability has been improved, reducing or even eliminating CHK and other errors. Also the performance is improved with smoother user response and screen handling. New dual state icons, colorfull themes, state indicator for network, timesync and autostart with Aweb improve the user experience.
In ApolloOS R6 the sagasd.device driver and the FAT-Handler are updated to support write and automount (hot-swap) of your FAT32 formatted SD-Card for easy two-way file-transfer, backup and archiving.
For our audio lovers we have AHI 16-bit sound support (Arne) available for HiFi sound playback.
Vampire BootLoader R6 will feature full compatibility with the new Core /ApolloOS R6 release, an improved Turbo Install process and support for the V500-V2+. Registered users will receive the update e-mail.


ApolloOS collection of compatible Demos has grown, so checkout if your favourite one is in there. The popular Riva player has been improved with PiP and Full-Screen display.
In the gaming area we showcase the potential of Apollo Vampire V4 with the alpha preview of the new Jake & Peppy game and the port of our frenzic friend Sonic the Hedgehog.
For Atari adepts the EmuTOS is updated to the newest release.


For new users on Apollo Vampire V4 and ApolloOS we have created our first edition User Guides.
This is the start of a new User-Experience program to improve our communication and relation with you…¬e=34946

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Mardi, avril 20 @ 05:29:02