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AmigaAMP 3.30 by Thomas Wenzel 636

Thomas Wenzel has released AmigaAMP 3.30 for AmigaOS 3.9 and AmigaOS 4 at the title link. Changes include ARexx macro support and automatic fallback from MHI to AHI.


  • Pulldown menus now work across all ReAction windows
  • If a datatype can't load the cover image from memory, then AmigaAMP will write it to T: as a file and try to load it from there
  • Fixed radio station name taken from stream metadata in playlist
  • Up to ten reconnect attempts when shoutcast server reports 'unavailable'
  • Fixed handling ID3v2 tags in front of FLAC files
  • Fixed loading / adding whole directories
  • Fixed initial state of EQ/Playlist buttons in skin mode
  • Automatically save current equalizer setting when saving prefs
  • Reworked visualisation routines for better synchronicity
  • Fixed SSL connections that require Server Name Indication


New features:

  • Automatic fallback from MHI to AHI for uncompressed audio and tracker modules (68k version)
  • Multi-select playlist in ReAction mode
  • Snapshot windows directly via pulldown menu entry
  • Popup menu for "Add..." button in ReAction playlist window
  • ARexx macro support: Macros must have .rexx extension and start with a line saying "/* AmigaAMP ARexx Macro */"
  • Automatic adding of .pls to saved playlist filename
  • Now using octave-spaced equalizer band frequencies


source :

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Jeudi, décembre 23 @ 21:08:24