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Hollywood 9.1 add-ons released 528

Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, are proud to announce the immediate availability of a number of add-ons for Hollywood 9.1. The following add-ons are now available for download from the official Hollywood portal:

  • Hollywood Player 9.1 for all supported platforms
  • Hollywood SDK 9.1
  • Hollywood 9.1 add-on for Cubic IDE
  • Hollywood 9.1 wordfile for UltraEdit
  • Hollywood 9.1 online reference manual
  • Hollywood SDK 9.1 online reference manual

The release of these add-ons completes the Hollywood 9.1 release. Please visit the official Hollywood portal at for download and more information.

Brought to you by Airsoft Softwair - the hardest working men in code business.

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Lundi, mai 09 @ 18:54:16