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Exutil 1.1.3 by Ulrich Beckers 507

Ulrich Beckers has released a new version of Exutil. This is a tool compiled with last version of programming language Hollywood and allows you to rename images by date based on Exif information or by file date. You can rename images with a common part (by default, Pic_), followed by the date. In addition, the Exif date and time can be written to the comment of each file in case an Exif data structure is found.

Because Exutil retains the file name extension for renaming, you can also use it to rename a batch of files other than images. If the files are images, the program will display the thumbnails of these images.

Visit dedicated webpage on Amiga-Storage.

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Mardi, janvier 03 @ 14:13:15