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HollywoodCompile 1.1 by Papiosaur 437

Papiosaur has just made available a new version of his GUI named HollywoodCompile created with the Hollywood programming language.

This interface uses the Hollywood command included in package with same name and makes easy to create executables from your Hollywood script for followings platforms: AmigaOS3.x, AmigaOS4.x, MorphOS and AROS. The interface uses the Hollywood RapaGUI external module. Versions for AmigaOS3.x, AmigaOS 4.x as well as AROS should be available soon.

Others GUI are under study (file conversion, etc...). If you want small specifics projects, don't hesitate to contact me.

Visit the dedicated page on Amiga-Storage.

See all projects realized by Papiosaur.

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Samedi, mai 06 @ 10:24:10