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GoShell 4.0 by Bitplan 883

Bitplan has just released GoShell 4.0, a free and easy tool to open Shell terminal in fullscreen on separate screen. You can choose any screen mode, set the colors and fonts, change the terminal window settings, and more. GoShell also has several predefined color sets, e.g. classic OS 3.x or OS 1.3, dark, green, orange etc.

Main features of GoShell:

  • Customizable screen, font and colors
  • A set of predefined color sets
  • Support for KingCON and ViNCEd (e.g. filename-completion with TAB)
  • Hiding the mouse pointer in full screen mode
  • Switching screens GoShell and others and quick access to the console with [Amiga]+m
  • Exit the console with [Ctrl] +  


Visit the official website.

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Dimanche, juin 18 @ 09:49:07