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Contest Amiga-Storage 1650

Hello everyone,

to complete Amiga-Storage, the WArMUp association would need screenshots (up to 6 per software) to promote Amiga classic software.

The association is launching a small contest, the person who sends the most screenshots to complete Amiga-Storage on my address papiosaur2 at before December 1st, 2019 will win a Mac mini G4 1.5GHz + 64MB of graphics memory and 1GB of memory with its MorphOS license.

You can make a small signature on your catches to see that it's yours

All received captures can be placed in Amiga-Storage.

After each email received, I will update a list of participants and the screenshots uploaded.

I will complete Amiga-Storage after each mail received ... Feel free to send them as when to avoid duplicates...

The members of the association can also participate in the contest (except me )

Thank you for your participation in this contest

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Dimanche, novembre 17 @ 08:25:37

Hello Papiosaur, if I understand the competition, the objective is to makes the Amiga Storage database grow by providing you links and videos (youtube) for games, application, etc. on Amiga classics ( OS 1.3 to 3.9 right ? ) right ?

Fred Aka AmiDARK
papiosaur papiosaur
Hi AmiDark,

no you must send a maximum of snapshots of Amiga classic software to complete Amiga-Storage (i have removed YouTube links to do simple))

For the moment Templario has send 37 screenshots :
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