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Opening of 869

Jim Neray and his team are pleased to announce today the opening of "" your new French online retailer specializing in the Amiga hardware and retro-computing. This is a project we are working long and whose launch has taken considerable time.

This "web shop" was created above all passion for the Amiga, with the aim to present the best possible deal on the market with a large number of references, the stock but also and especially among the most competitive prices.

We therefore propose to present some fifty references and are still negotiating with many suppliers and partners to expand this catalog. If you interesting reference was not offered, please contact us to let us know. We are also at your disposal if you have a comment or suggestion which would allow us to improve.

Beautiful Christmas and New Year to you and yours.

source : AmigaImpact

papiosaurpapiosaur Published on : Dimanche, décembre 22 @ 18:13:55