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News from Amiga/MorphOS world by Daff

David 'Daff' Brunet has just put online on his Obligement website, the retrospective of the news of Amiga/MorphOS world of the last two months.

Read the article.

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Merry Christmas

WArMUp - Amiga Classic association wish you to all a happy Christmas!

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Opening of

Jim Neray and his team are pleased to announce today the opening of "" your new French online retailer specializing in the Amiga hardware and retro-computing. This is a project we are working long and whose launch has taken considerable time.

This "web shop" was created above all passion for the Amiga, with the aim to present the best possible deal on the market with a large number of references, the stock but also and especially among the most competitive prices.

We therefore propose to present some fifty references and are still negotiating with many suppliers and partners to expand this catalog. If you interesting reference was not offered, please contact us to let us know. We are also at your disposal if you have a comment or suggestion which would allow us to improve.

Beautiful Christmas and New Year to you and yours.

source : AmigaImpact

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Contest Amiga-Storage

Hello everyone,

to complete Amiga-Storage, the WArMUp association would need screenshots (up to 6 per software) to promote Amiga classic software.

The association is launching a small contest, the person who sends the most screenshots to complete Amiga-Storage on my address papiosaur2 at before December 1st, 2019 will win a Mac mini G4 1.5GHz + 64MB of graphics memory and 1GB of memory with its MorphOS license.

You can make a small signature on your catches to see that it's yours

All received captures can be placed in Amiga-Storage.

After each email received, I will update a list of participants and the screenshots uploaded.

I will complete Amiga-Storage after each mail received ... Feel free to send them as when to avoid duplicates...

The members of the association can also participate in the contest (except me )

Thank you for your participation in this contest

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Plugin AHX 1.3 for Hollywood available

Airsoft Softwair is pleased to present a new version of the AHX plugin for Hollywood. Once this plugin is installed, Hollywood will be "automatically" played by AHX modules and HivelyTracker modules. The plugin is based on the HVL2WAV converter written by Xeron / IRIS, the source code is also included.

In addition, a demonstration application performs the reading of an AHX module. This applet can also be run using the free Hollywood player so that people who do not have the full version of Hollywood can also test.

You can download the plugin from the official Hollywood portal or Amiga-Storage. It is available for AmigaOS3 (classic), AmigaOS3 (FPU), AmigaOS4, MorphOS, WarpOS, AROS (Intel), Linux (PowerPC), Linux (Intel), Mac OS (PowerPC), Mac OS (Intel), Windows and Google's Android platform-form.

For more information on HivelyTracker and AHX, visit and


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Interview avec Oliver Roberts

IBrowse 2.5 has been released 13 years after the previous update. It is the only web browser specifically designed for the Amiga and still in development. Daniel Reimann, the editor offers an interview with IBrowse's main developer, Oliver Roberts.

Read the interview on

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Un podcast spécial dédicace à Tarzin et Daff !

Tout le monde avait fini par penser que l'on ne reverrait plus le podcast d'AmigaImpact... Mais, tel un phoenix, il renaît de ses cendres (ou alors, c'est un zombi et il est mort-vivant, à vous de voir).

Pour fêter cette rentrée scolaire 2019 comme il se doit, le podcast a revêtu son plus beau costume et revient dans une formule "classique" qui ne révolutionnera pas les podcasts mais qui a au moins le mérite d'exister.

Ce podcast est d'ailleurs un podcast spécial dédicace à Tarzin et Daff, sans qui ce podcast ne serait pas (en effet, c'est une repompe à 93% de la rubrique actualités de juillet/août d'Obligement et à 4% des tweets de Tarzin, le reste étant les bêtises que BatteMan aura pu dire au micro).

Ce podcast ne vous apprendra sans doute pas grand chose, quoique qui sait, et ne se veut pas exhaustif, comme d'habitude.

Pour la jaquette, il s'agit d'une jaquette de jeu choisi par "girafe" sur IRC. Il a donc choisi le jeu Crafton & Xunk, un jeu Amstrad et Atari... jamais porté sur Amiga... La prochaine fois, on vérifiera (mais la jaquette est belle, donc il est à moitié pardonné).

Pour la musique de fin, ce sera le Welcome Theme de Shadow of The Beast par Banjo Guy Ollie, un plaisir pour toutes les cages à miel !

Bonne écoute, et à bientôt !

Télécharger : Podcast-83-AI.mp3 (MP3) [39 Mo; 42 min] (un lecteur javascript, non compatible avec OWB…, est également disponible dans la « suite… Â» )

» s’abonner via le flux RSS …
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» s’abonner via iTunes…

Merci à BatteMan pour cette news !

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New PCB A500++

Rob Taylor has just ordered a lot of A500++ motherboard redesigned by Chrissy.

Do not hesitate to contact him on Twitter or Discord if you are interested.

Source : amiga500plusplus

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AmigaOS 3.2 - development preview

In July AmigaOS was released. Thomas 'ThoR' Richter is giving a preview to the forthcoming AmigaOS 3.2.

First he has published a picture (only visible for registered users) of the Workbench which shows features that have been already implemented and which the readers should find. If a new feature was found by a reader it is either confirmed, or not.

  • GadTools now are font sensitive which is used by the new preferences editor and other system tools.
  • Regarding the print setting now the name of the output device can be specified instead of choosing the parallel or serial interface.
  • The name of the title line can be changed.
    Windows can be iconified.
  • The Shell remembers commands which have been already entered. You can also search through these commands.
  • The Shell offers an input assistance.
  • There is a new, minimal AUX-Handler which enables tab expansion to also work over the serial line.


source :

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Welcome to

Hello all,

welcome to ! A new website dedicated to Amiga classic!

The website is under construction, don't hesitate to do suggestions

A big THANKS to BeWorld for the installation of this new website and Templario for the realisation of the logo!

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